Tuesday 3 March 2015


US Rapper Kanye West spoke to a group of about 300 hundred Oxford University students at the Museum of Natural History at their invitation.

Kanye's speech as expected was intriguing as he delved into arts, politics and philosophy. 

Clearly he does see all of these as intertwined with music

These are the highlights of his speech:
1) One of Kanye's  biggest problems has been his ego and then to quote him, "If I Kanye West can remove my ego, I think there's hope for everyone"

2) When you stop living your life based on being number one in everything, then you come down from your mountain top and readjust and then see what your position in life really is.

3) If he was doing Fine Arts, he would like to be Picasso who did so much for Arts.
In life people do not expect or even dream that someone can do so much.The mere thought surpresses humanity.

4) Iam serving with my voice, meaning Kanye is serving with his music through which he builds relationships including one with Elon Musk or President Obama who out of the blue calls his home phone. With all these relationships formed through his music he has a responsibility to serve.

His 45 minute speech centred on society and inequality, aestheticism and philosophy.

Many students after the speech felt he was humbler than expected.

Kanye West is a highly gifted artist, if you read in between the lines you will understand his passion for what he does as he tries to be as impactful as possible.

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