Sunday 1 March 2015


Kim Farry, 54, is Britain's most shameless shoplifter who has a wardrobe full of designer wears according to the Mirror.
She has made close to two million pounds from the "business" which she started at the age of nine. She even trained her six children to steal for her.
From her loot, she has enjoyed exotic holidays, three boob jobs and yet lives in a rent free council home and pockets 556 pounds a month in benefits.
Kim says she does not regret anything and gets annoyed when people say she has never had a job as she has worked at her shoplifting business for four decades.
She currently has not given up her lavish lifestyle but wants to go straight because of her youngest daughter who is 14.
Kim says she has not stolen anything in the past 8 weeks but doesnot know how long it will last.

Photo credit: Mirror

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