Wednesday 9 September 2015


Another woman who was in contact with the 67 year old woman who died of Ebola in August 28 in the village of Sellu Kafta in Kambia district has tested positive to Ebola in a northern Sierra Leone according to President Ernest Bai Koroma.
The new case was confirmed on Saturday. The President said,
"The incident is a reminder that Ebola is still here so we must continue to adhere to precautionary measures made by the health authorities".
District health officials say the woman is a nieceof the woman who died in Sellu Kafta.
The latest death has brought an end to the optimism fuelled by the release of what was thought to be the last Ebola patient.
Sellu Kafta, a village of almost 1000 people has been put under a three week quarantine lockdown after officials announced on Tuesday that a woman, a food trader had died after being sick for 10 days without authorities knowledge.
Health officials say the Guinea Ring vaccine being administered by World Health Organisation team in the village is progressing well.

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