Wednesday 18 March 2015


Isreali Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ruling party, Likud Party surged to a stunning election victory in the just concluded Israel elections.
Final results showed a resounding victory in what had earlier appeared to be a tight race with the oppostion party, Zionist Union.
With all the votes nearly counted, Likud Party  scored 30 out of 120 parliament seats and is in a position to form a coalition government with its nationalist, religious and Ultra-Orthodox Jewish allies.
The coalition government will likely continue to clash with the White House over its hard line policies as well as be at odds with international community over its stand against Palestinian Statehood.
Benjamin Netanyahu has ruled Israel for the past six years and earlier polls had given Netanyahu's chief rival, Isaac Herzog of the Zionist Union a slight lead.
Netanyahu told his supporters at the headquarters, "Against all odds, we achieved great victory for the Likud"

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