Wednesday 8 July 2015


In South Korea, a total of 185 people have been diagnosed with MERS with 33 deaths, government officials say.
Of those affected, 41 people remain hospitalised while 11 are in critical condition.
In Phillipines, a foreigner who flew to Phillipines from the Middle East  became the second confirmed case of MERS in the country, the health department said.
Health Secretary, Janette Garin says the 36 year old male patient  has been put in isolation  at a government facility.
He is said to have a low viral load which indicates his infection is not extremely serious and he is getting better. He is said to have fallen ill  on July 2nd having arrived in the country from Saudi Arabia by way of Dubai.
A Filipina nurse who returned to Phillipines from Saudi Arabia in February became the first  person to test positive to MERS but recovered.
In China, there is a reported case of a person with MERS  who travelled there after recent exposure in South Korea.
In Thailand, the first case  being a 75 year old man has been discharged  from hospital on July 3.

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